Friday 7 January 2011

Past Achievements

In my introduction blog entry I mentioned that I had been on a games course before and it was just excellent. I loved my time in tech, it was the most enjoyable time of my learning career so far. Basically I’m writing this blog because I got an award for getting the grades I got at tech, the speech they made is below.

Best Media Student – Samuel Henry

This single-minded and enthusiastic learner has achieved the highest final award possible from his BTEC National programme – Samuel has earned three Distinction grades overall, and has gained entry to the prestigious Gamer Art course at DeMontfort University. As a student of NRC Samuel developed a highly focused approach to his studies and faced study challenges with positive mental attitude and a diligent attention to product outcome; his mature attitude permitted him to succeed par excellence in his unit scores and overall grades.

Samuel's consistent diligent study has allowed him to make the most of his opportunities while studying at Northern Regional College, and he receives this award today for his committed hard work culminating in a triple D award in BTEC National Diploma in Media Production (Games Design). Samuel's achievement is the highest possible in the National Diploma scheme and the quality of his work has been acknowledged by his University in their award of his Scholarship in recognition of his high BTEC award. In addition to his college work, Samuel single-mindedly pursued his groundwork for the Game Artist career by independently preparing an effective art portfolio to impress his university admission tutors.

This exceptional student is regarded by his lectures as their consistently best achieving student ever and they take this opportunity to publicly acknowledge and recognise his quality of hard work, diligent effort and willingness to support others, and to pass to him their personal best wishes for the future.”

As I remember the interview for university was just me talking constantly and not giving Mike any time to ask questions (sorry Mike, I might have been a little hyper that day).

My parents accepted the award for me as I was still in uni but I thought I'd make a blog for you Mike just to see, the Irish aren't all drunk and stupid all the time. I 'm not trying to boast or anything which I'd like to clarify, that was a whole different level of work. I really want to try my hardest to provide high standard work for this course. To make my parents proud but also myself. I come from a family who has always had financial troubles and we were raised to appreciate what we have in life. I want to have a life with riches to spoil the ones I love like they deserve, and I’ll do that by doing something I love. This seems all very cliché and soapy but this is what you get from a guy who has pink hair. 

BTW, the hobbits in the middle are my mother and father =)


1 comment:

  1. It's really great you have this up, be proud of your achievements :)
